DEVO International Forum of Major Developers 2022

On October 6, 2022, the international event dedicated to major developers and investors in the construction industry took place, promoting the new representative office, retail, malls, industrial logistics, mixed and public projects, projects that build communities and develop cities – DEVO 2022 with the theme : “The City – Updated Edition”. Part of theRomânia Construiește, event series, DEVO follows the evolution of large construction projects in 3 significant stages: vision, investment, development.

And our colleague Octav Roman was the speaker at this event at the “WORKING EXPERIENCE DESIGN” session where he talked about the experience of the Creativ Interior team, the trends and the future of office spaces on the national and international market.
“I believe that every project is unique, just like every client has its particularities, my job is to identify it and give it the best experience through a unique and creative design. Listen, create, implement, find solutions, be positive, always deliver what you say, be inspired” says Octav Roman



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Sediu București
Piața Dorobanților 4, Sector 1, București, România

+4 0758 739 654
